Are Essay Writing Services Legal and Is It Safe to Receive Them?

The essay writing is an independent work that allows students to:
- develop practical skills of scientific work (search for sources and work with them;
- reviewing scientific literature;
- comparing several views on one problem, quality compilation);
- identify the level of knowledge in a particular specialization;
- demonstrate the ability to think;
- provide generalizations and conclusions.
One of the first steps in writing a scientific paper is to draw up a plan (content), which involves dividing the whole into smaller but logically interconnected parts. Depending on the theme, the nature of the actual material, the methods applied, authors often resort to chronological (one that reviews the phenomenon in its development over time), the subject (thematic) principle of such a plan, or combine them in the form of subject-chronological approach. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The chronological approach mixes important and unimportant, does not distinguish one-time events from significant events. A purely chronological approach to the formation of the plan can make the text boring and unreadable. As a methodological approach that follows the chronicle, it is considered obsolete. At first glance, the subject method looks much more convenient because it allows you to analyze the phenomenon as a whole, as well as to consider its manifestations. But a purely substantive order deprives the text of unity. After all, any events took place in time, and therefore it is impossible to exclude chronology from the text completely.
Regardless of the selected principle of construction, a successful plan of scientific work must meet several universal requirements:
- The topics of each section are the same in importance, and the sections are approximately the same in length;
- Cover all the material related to the topic, but nothing superfluous;
- The topics and content of individual sections should not overlap;
- None of the plan items can repeat the essay title.
In the process of writing a plan, students often have difficulties. Even more of them appear during the execution of the paper itself. Fortunately, professional writers, who are engaged in writing various student papers, are ready to offer their services. But are essay writing services legal? In this review, we will consider this issue in detail.
Are Essay Writing Services Legal and What Exactly Is Included There?
Before giving a clear answer to the question “Are essay writing services legal?” it seems appropriate to describe what exactly is included in these services.
What Are Essay Writing Services Exactly?
As it is known, the writing services involve assisting students in completing various papers. The process of buying an essay is usually very simple and transparent. The client chooses a platform, pays money, and experts carry out his order in the best possible way.
A custom essay has several distinctive characteristics, in particular, the sequential presentation of the material, providing weighty arguments for accepting or refusing a certain position, the absence of grammatical, spelling, lexical, and other errors, etc.
When deciding to seek help from certified writers, you can be sure that you will get a well-structured essay, which will contain the main structural elements typical to this type of paper.
The task of the introductory part is to orient the reader in the subject of the work, to present the topic of the paper and research task, to explain how important or interesting it is to address a specific topic and to describe the broader historical, social or intellectual context to which the phenomenon belongs. The introduction includes a concise review of the literature on which the author relies. The introduction also describes the methods used in the process of working on the theme and explains the principles of structural construction of work. The introduction to the essay presents the main idea of the work, the main conclusion that the author came to in the course of work and which he substantiates and defends in the main part of the essay.
The main part
The task of the sections of the main part is to prove and illustrate the author’s main idea convincingly. The text is based on arguments – that is, statements that are accompanied by logical evidence or factual illustrations. In order to make the text more readable and structured, the author usually adheres to the following rules:
- dedicates at least 1 paragraph to each main argument;
- refutes ‘against’ arguments (views contrary to those held by the author);
- unites each paragraph of the paper by one main thought.
It is an opportunity to look back and summarize what the student has achieved in his work. In other words, if the introduction introduces the reader to the topic, the conclusion summarizes the results. No new facts, ideas, and arguments are introduced at this stage! The conclusion is an opportunity to emphasize what has already been said in the essay’s main part.
Is Using an Essay Writing Service Cheating?
Using essay writing services is not cheating in general. The client pays money and gets a high-quality paper. All essay writing and formatting requirements specified during ordering are met.
As practice shows, many online platforms providing such services are reliable and protect the rights of customers. However, there are also such specialists who work for the sake of making a profit; they try to finish the work as quickly as possible while not observing all the requirements specified by the student. Such low-quality services are often provided by illegal companies that do not operate on a legal basis. Better not to contact them.
But how to understand where a reliable company is and where it is not? How to choose responsible experts? The next section of this review is devoted to this issue.
Things to Consider Before Taking Help from Essay Writing Services
When selecting an online service, consider the next aspects:
- A credible essay writing service will always include terms of service on its website. Professional experts understand that it is important for clients to know the terms of cooperation, so they try to provide this information fully. Each client can visit the company’s website and study this info at any time of the day. As a rule, it tells which experts perform tasks, what structure of work they adhere to, what timeframes are required to complete different assignments, which orders are considered urgent, how to contact the author of the paper if necessary, how to get revisions, what is the warranty period and what rights have customers, etc. If you can easily find and study this information on the company’s website, you are most likely choosing a good and secure platform. Otherwise, it’s best not to trust your work to writers;
- Most essay writing services do transfer ownership of their papers to the buyer. It is quite reasonable that if you pay money for an essay, then it becomes your property, and you own it. Trustworthy companies transfer ownership to clients. If the writers are not ready to hand them over to you, then you should choose another service;
- Most essay writing services are consistent with the law. Trustworthy companies comply with the law and operate within the law. Take this into account when choosing a service.
Rest assured that you will be able to choose the best online essay writing service. The main thing is to take into account the above features.
Are Essay Writing Services Legal for Both the Student and the Company?
Within the framework of this article, it seems necessary to consider whether essay writing services are legal for both the student and the company. We will first consider whether the use of the services is legal for the student and whether it is legal for the online company to provide such services.
Is It Illegal to Pay Someone to Write an Essay?
Every day we pay money for various services: public utilities, rental services, Internet services, transport services, information services, educational services, financial services, medical services, etc. Essay writing services are considered as a part of the educational services. Everyone has the right to receive them. This is provided for by law. Therefore, a client who pays someone money to write an essay is in no way breaking the law.
Is Writing Essays for Others Illegal?
In general, writing essays for others is legal. This is the provision of those educational services to which clients are entitled. But here, it is also important to consider whether the company is registered and whether it operates within the law framework. If the company is illegal, then the services are also illegal. If it works legally, then the services provided are legal.
So, in this article, we have told you whether essay writing services are legal. In general, they are legal. However, a lot here depends on the company itself, on whether it acts within the law. We have described the aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing a platform. Try to take them into account, and you will definitely make the right choice and find reliable and trustworthy specialists.